Patient-Centered Care
and Health Equity Area of Concentration (AOC)
The AOC on Patient-Centered Care and Health Equity focuses on helping prepare medical students to become future clinicians, researchers, educators, and advocates who wish to build careers in advancing patient-centered care and health equity across various disciplines. Another important focus of this AOC is how these activities can be advanced by influencing health policy.
Students will identify a mentor to develop a unique scholarly project that will focus on improving health disparities through one of several potential frameworks and approaches including (although not limited to):
Innovations in patient engagement, education, and communication
Health and
human rights
Health care disparities
Health care policy and advocacy
As defined by the CDC, “Health equity is attainment of the highest level of health for all people. Achieving health equity requires valuing everyone equally with focused and ongoing societal efforts to address avoidable inequalities, historical and contemporary injustices, and the elimination of health and health care disparities.” While innovation is at the heart of medical advancement, large gaps in health outcomes continue to be prevalent across a variety of communities and populations. These may manifest in disparities in a variety of ways:
- Outcomes in chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, and obesity.
- A result of specific health care policies.
- In settings of human rights abuses such as torture, war trauma, forced migration, trafficking, and abuses in correctional or detention settings.
- Ineffective patient or population education, engagement and activation, and ineffective utilization of newer communications/multimedia/web-based technologies.

Goals & Learning Objectives
Learn to develop and implement rigorous research skills when conducting various levels of inquiry (literature review, systematic reviews/meta-analyses, interviews/focus groups, experimental data from educational interventions, large epidemiologic data sets, etc.)
Develop trauma-informed interview and research skills and strategies for use when evaluating, caring for, or conducting research with vulnerable populations (i.e., conducting forensic medical/psychiatric/gynecologic evaluation of asylum-seekers, interviewing survivors of trafficking, vulnerable/under-served minority groups, etc.)
Enhance communication skills while working within a multidisciplinary research team, presenting at research meetings/conferences, writing manuscripts for publication in peer-reviewed literature, writing reports of medico-legal affidavits, and/or conducting advocacy with key stakeholders
Develop functional understanding of legal and policy framework pertinent to the project of study (i.e. asylum/immigration health law, mechanisms of public/private financing of health care, institutionalized racism, etc.)
Incorporate dimensions of cultural competency in all aspects of work with health equity including development of appropriate educational tools, patient care, research and advocacy
Develop skills in collaborating with key stakeholders in specific populations and communities to translate data, needs and priorities into potential interventions.
Enhance awareness of factors that lead to improved empathy, self-care, and professional growth and satisfaction while working with vulnerable populations, health disparities, health services research and policy advocacy
Core Activities & Practical Experiences
Weekly Division of General Internal Medicine Research in Progress Meetings (Fridays at lunchtime)
Regular Research Group Meetings (i.e. PALS [Wednesdays 2-3 pm, Health and Human Rights, etc.)
David Rogers Colloquium (Wednesday afternoons)
Department of Medicine Grand Rounds (Wednesday mornings)
Global Health Grand Rounds
Department of Health Care Policy and Research Grand Rounds
Monthly/Bi-monthly WCCHR and PHR trainings, conferences, and networking events
Conduct assigned forensic asylum seeker health evaluations
Attendance/Participation/Presentations at regional and national conferences (i.e. Society of General Internal Medicine, Society of Hospital Medicine, American College of Physicians, Physicians for a National Health Program, various Health Disparities Research Symposia, Consortium of Universities in Global Health, American Public Health Association, Academic Consortium on Criminal Justice Health, Physicians for Human Rights Asylum Network, etc.)
Evaluating Student Performance
Students will be evaluated based on the feasibility, clarity, and quality of the Scholarly Project and associated deliverables (abstracts, posters, manuscripts, presentations, etc.). Active participation in core AOC activities, and demonstration of preparation, professionalism, and adherence to deadlines with regular progress updates for their Scholarly Project will also be taken into account.