Primary Care Innovation 2021-2022 Seed Grant Funding Opportunity


The Primary Care Innovation Program of the Division of General Internal Medicine is pleased to invite submission of one-year project applications. The primary goal of this opportunity is to support pilot novel and innovative education and research projects in the broad field of primary care that will lead to competitive extramural grant applications, or publications in high impact journals. The Primary Care Innovation Program intends to commit $100,000 to fund 3-4 faculty awards (up to $25,000 each); 3 resident/fellow awards (up to $5,000 each); and 4 medical student awards (up to $2,500 each). Proposals are due March 1, 2021 at 1:00 pm EST. The funding period is anticipated to be July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022.

Request for Proposals

GIM PCI 2021-2022 Seed Grant Application- Template for Faculty

GIM PCI 2021-2022 Seed Grant Application- Template for Resident, Fellow, and Student