Find a Collaborator
Health disparities, Cancer
I’m a researcher involved with health equity research or practice, I’m a clinician practicing patient-centered care and advocating for equitable access to care
What I would like to offer as a collaborator…
I am a gynecologic oncology fellow working with Dr. Chapman Davis and Dr. Melissa Frey at Weill Cornell Medicine.
Cervical cancer is a largely preventable disease, with more than 90% of cervical cancers attributable to human papilloma virus (HPV). Primary prevention of HPV is available through the use of the HPV vaccination, which has been associated with up to a 90% reduction in cervical cancer incidence. Despite the proven efficacy and safety of the HPV vaccine, vaccination rates remain below national goals. Lack of knowledge about HPV and the HPV vaccine has been identified as a barrier to vaccination. My research interest relates to improving the HPV vaccination rate in marginalized communities.
Prior studies have shown that minority patients are less likely to receive genetic services due to a family history of cancer, and instead are more like to receive genetic services only after being affected by cancer. This prevents minority patients from taking advantage of guided cancer prevention. National guidelines encourage primary care screening of patients for hereditary cancer risk, a standard that is not being met by many clinics. In this area of research, I approach cancer prevention from the angle of increasing the availability of genetic services.
What I am looking for from a collaborator…
Community based leaders who have an interest in cancer prevention.