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Wenna Xi, PhD

Cornell University

Postdoctoral Associate



Student/Trainee/Staff Member

What I would like to offer as a collaborator…

My research interest lies in the intersection of statistics, mental health, and social and behavioral sciences. My interests in statistics include social network analysis, spatial statistics, longitudinal data analysis, Bayesian modeling, latent variable modeling, mixture models, and methods of integrating and analyzing complex structured data.

What I am looking for from a collaborator…

My current and past positions, as well as my dissertation research, have provided me with opportunities to collaborate with researchers from many disciplines, including statistics, epidemiology, sociology, the behavioral sciences, computer science, and health informatics. I have worked with various types of data, including insurance claims data, electronic health record data, survey, government/administrative, and ecological momentary assessment (EMA) data. I am also exposed to social media data, such as twitter data. As an applied statistician, my goal is to provide data-driven inferences for critical social and public health problems and to develop novel statistical techniques for analysis of complex structured data.