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What I would like to offer as a collaborator…
The Center for Health Equity provides a platform for innovation and change that is long needed in the health care system. Research in Social disparities and health equity have been overlooked and neglected; this neglect has led to a series of detrimental strong holds within the healthcare system that makes it difficult for individuals more specifically minorities to receive quality health care. The Center provides a utopia for research and programs to investigate/crackdown on the gaps that contribute heavily to the disparities within healthcare. This is important research that needs to be done and is something that I am interested in being a part of.
What I am looking for from a collaborator…
Being a human biology major at Hunter College I have the opportunity to study a broad range of disciplines that contribute to the health and wellness of human beings. This includes studying the psychology and biology of humans as well as studying the health system in which we depend on. With my studies I will have extensive knowledge and resources at my disposal to contribute to the progression of health equity. I also volunteer at hospitals and facilities in minority neighborhoods that can provide further insight on social disparities and the health care system.