Member Details

Academic Member


E-Shien Chang, PhD

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Health Equity/Research Interest

I am a social scientist trained in public health research committed to improving understanding of social determinants of elder mistreatment across diverse social, cultural, and care settings. In particular, I focus on late-life health disparities in the context of violence, mistreatment, and exploitation through the lens of social justice. I am also interested in developing, evaluating, and implementing evidence-based elder mistreatment prevention and intervention programs.


I have prior experience with community education and outreach, with a focus on elder abuse prevention and intervention in minoritized communities. I would like to network with others interested in health equity research and identify opportunities to develop collaborations. I also would like to contribute to policy efforts to promote social and age justice in long-term care and other care settings.




Postdoctoral Fellow

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Area of Expertise (Methods)


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Area of Expertise (Content)


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Center Membership


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