Member Details

Academic Member


Isabel M. Perera, PhD

Cornell University
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Health Equity/Research Interest

My primary research agenda examines how public sector trade unions can influence the provision of health and social welfare services, with a focus on the development of mental health policy in the United States and France. As part of this project, I pursued a post-doctoral fellowship in medical ethics to determine the fair allocation of resources in psychiatry. In other work, I have examined how different countries frame the issue of health inequality, and with what consequences for public policy.


I look forward to meeting and collaborating with researchers, educators, and community partners interested in similar themes. As someone with training in both the social and medical sciences, I also look forward to developing linkages between those areas at Cornell.




Assistant Professor


Cornell University

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Area of Expertise (Methods)


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Area of Expertise (Content)


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Area of interest

Community Engagement and Dissemination, Investigator Development/Mentorship, Education

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Center Membership


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