Member Details

Academic Member


William Schpero, PhD

Cornell University
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Health Equity/Research Interest

I study Medicaid and the health care safety net in the United States. I am particularly interested in how provider incentives affect their participation in the safety net, the overall composition of the delivery system, and outcomes for low-income populations. I am also interested in identifying and testing policy levers that can be used to address racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities in health and health care.


I am a health economist. In my research, I use quasi-experimental methods and novel data sources to inform federal and state Medicaid policy, as well as the work of health care providers and organizations that serve vulnerable populations. As a member, I look forward to collaborating with other researchers at Cornell and the broader community.




Assistant Professor


Cornell University

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Population Health Sciences

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Area of Expertise (Methods)


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Area of Expertise (Content)


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Area of interest

Community Engagement and Dissemination, Investigator Development/Mentorship, Education

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Center Membership


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